Tuende Pamoja
Matipwilli school.
The utilization of a not for profit entity to raise money and resources and to channel them into community development projects as prioritized by the community themselves.
An introduction to Tuende Pamoja
Lets move forward together.
Tuende Pamoja means ‘Lets more forward together’ in Swahili. Tuende Pamoja Charity is based at the Kisampa Conservation Area, Tanzania.
From its very humble beginnings the Tuende Pamoja charity in Tanzania has been run by the Barbour Family, Bori Amri Bori from Matipwili village and Caroline Uisso who together manage the charity on a totally voluntary basis.
Every cent donated goes to its intended use.
There are no hidden costs. Those involved with Tuende Pamoja work very closely with the village leaders and the community in making decisions about how to spend any funding.
Visit the website at : http://tuendepamoja.org/
““You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla””